Your journey matters.
Opus means “work of” in Latin. It’s often used to refer to a work of art or music. I chose this name because my career is my work of art. It was also inspired by one of my favorite childhood stories, Charlotte’s Web. In the story, one of the main characters (who happens to be a spider) lives a life of service to her friend. However, she refers to only one thing as her Magnum Opus: her Great Work. This was her dedication to her most significant personal endeavor - I won’t spoil it! Although seen as a heroine in the story for helping her friend, she never lost sight of the meaning in her life outside of helping. This metaphor speaks to the most important thing we can do as members of the helping professions: not lose sight of our own work and meaning. I have dedicated much of my life to helping people move through their pain, find meaning, and live healthier lives. This has gifted me with self-discovery along the way, and I am grateful.
This Opus is my contribution to others on this journey through life.
The Vision
My mission is to move toward improved outcomes and more satisfied employees in the behavioral health treatment industry.